A little over a year ago my companion and I happened upon this very tall black man in a very sketchy neighborhood. Needless to say it was a little scary at first. But we had been taught as missionaries to talk to everyone and the Spirit was prompting us to go say hello to this man. We went over and said hello. He asked us who we were. We told him we were missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We asked if he'd ever heard of the Book of Mormon. He replied, "I've met missionaries like you, except they were boys and yes they left me that book. I've read it a couple times but have no idea what it all means." With great excitement in our eyes we set up an appointment to come back and talk more because
we had to be somewhere right at that moment. We set up the appointment for the next day. We came back and there he was ready and willing to learn. We taught him about the Book of Mormon and about the prophet Joseph Smith and about how Christ's church is back on the earth. He soaked it all up like a sponge. We continued teaching him for several weeks. We worked with him to give up smoking. We taught him repentance, the plan of happiness, and about our Savior Jesus Christ. With every lesson he became more and more excited. You could tell the spirit was filling this man with truth. He was soon baptized after he gave up smoking. And at his baptism he had the opportunity to get up and speak to those that were present. His words have been etched into my heart forever.
to us all,
"I have been searching for the truth for 52 years.
It saddens me that it has taken me
52 years to find it.
But oh how grateful I am
that I FINALLY have it."

Why you may ask did I tell you that story with the title I (me!!) seek to improve? Let me explain. I learned something those few weeks we were teaching this man. I was taught what it meant to truly turn your heart to the Lord withholding nothing! This man improved not only himself spiritually but emotionally and physically. And all because he loves the Lord. He didn't do it for us. He did it because he loves the Lord so much he was willing to completely change and become someone new. Why shouldn't I seek to do the same? We all have flaws, things we can work on, things we need to get rid of and things we need to add to our lives. I have found a few new things that I need to improve on and I have made goals to make them better. I know that as we find ways to improve like this man, the Lord will give us strength to accomplish great things and become someone new and improved.
I seek to improve because I love the Lord. Because the Lord loves me He blesses us with the strength to improve.
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