Wednesday, June 24, 2015

I love rocks

Because I love the Lord I love ROCKS! 

May seem a little silly but indulge me for a moment!
Rocks have many great qualities don't you think! They are tough. Some of them are immovable.  Some of them are very beautiful. Some provide shelter. Others provide homes. Some are REALLY BIG others are really small. They are naturally created! Some are formed from volcano lava, others are formed from intense storms, and others are formed from intense pressure. They are made up of many different minerals. They provide many with an adventurous recreational activity, rock climbing. They have been used to form ancient cities and many new buildings. Rocks are pretty cool.

I can see it in your eyes  why in the world would my love for the Lord produce a love for rocks? Let's examine what Christ and rocks have in common.

Rocks are tough: 

I don't know of anyone else tougher. Not in the sense of gang member tough. But rather emotionally and spiritually tough. Christ suffered greater than anyone else and yet still sought to forgive those who were killing Him. He was tempted above we could ever understand and still turned down such temptation. Christ is a pretty tough guy.

Rocks are sometimes immovable: 

I add the sometimes here because know that some rocks are very small and can be moved. (I had a gravel driveway growing up and believe me that didn't just happen naturally....we put them there...I have remnants of those muscles). Christ is very much immovable! NO one could encourage Him to lower His standards or to reject who He was. He died and suffered because He wouldn't budge. He knew who He was and what He was supposed to do and not even a KING could persuade Him to do or be anything else. Like rocks Christ is immovable.

Rocks provide shelter: 

"For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy." Psalms 61:3. Should not Christ be all of our shelters from the storm? I know of no better shelter than the arms of Christ. 

Rocks are formed under intense conditions: 

Matthew 27:26–50, Jesus scourged in prison"He is despised and rejected of men; 
a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; 
and we hid as it were our faces from him; 
he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
Surely he has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows;
yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
Matthew 27:26–50, Christ with a crown of thornsBut he was wounded for our transgressions, 
he was bruised for our iniquities;
 the chastisement of our peace was upon him; 
and with his stripes we are healed…..
He was oppressed, and he was afflicted,
 yet he opened not his mouth;
 he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, 
and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb
 so he opened not his mouth."
- Mosiah 14: 3-5, 7.

Need I say more? 

Portrait of Christ smiling

Rocks are made up of many different kinds of minerals: 

Christ's character is made up of so many virtues! Faith, patience, charity, hope, forgiveness, long suffering, integrity, humility, and obedience just to list a few. He is our Savior, a man of many perfect qualities. 

Have I convinced you that Christ and rocks have a lot in common? This is why I love rocks. They remind me of who I can turn to in times of trial, of adversity, or heartache, and when I need forgiveness.

Because I love the Lord I love rocks. Because He loves me He is my rock. 

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