In a meeting where leaders of the mission were gathered, an Elder (a boy missionary) gave a training on loving the Lord. And what we do because we love the Lord. He explained that our motive, especially as servants of Christ, should be to do things out of love. That was the magnificence of the Savior and what He did while on this earth, was that His motive was solely love. He loved us SO much He gave up EVERYTHING. So this Elder posed the question what do we do or have because we love the Lord? In hopes of reminding us that the real motive for our actions should be because we love Christ and not out of a "have to" attitude. This Elder then asked us to write down a "Becuase I love the Lord" list. I did so and have come to realize how much I do because I love the Lord and in return this list has made me aware of how much my life has and needs to continue to be centered on the Savior.
I don't know about you but when I was asked by my mom and dad to sweep or mop the floors out of it was my chore, my job to do that.....it was the most tedious thing I have ever done. But when I swept and mopped because I wanted to show my parents how much I loved and appreciated them all the sudden it wasn't so difficult and in fact the time flew by. Interesting how love as our motive can change our attitude along the journey.
In my mission we had a saying that went a little something like this.....
EXACT obedience is the price,
FAITH is the power,
LOVE is the motive,
CHRIST is the reason,
and MIRACLES are the result.
Love is the motive and Christ is the reason. This is what this blog is ALL about! How love being my motive and Christ being the reason has blessed my life! I have developed for myself a "because I love the Lord" list and I want to share it with y'all!! Don't hesitate to make your own list. :) I hope along this journey of writing this blog y'all will think about yourselves and how love has been your motive and Christ was your reason. And I know miracles will be the result. :)
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